
source Healthcare Technology , May 2021

Redefining Practice Management Experience the Digital Way

Amidst a flood of aggregator focused healthcare services management solutions, it’s quite impressive the way practice
management application Genamet stands out as an extremely customized platform designed to meet the end-to-end needs of clinics
and private practitioners. Hailing from the house of Wisdomleaf Technologies Limited, Genamet over the last few years have been
extremely successful in engendering powerful digital presence for doctors and clinics in multiple languages. CIO Insider recently
had an exclusive chat session with the company’s management team.

In conversation with Anupama Parthasarathy, Founder & CEO, and Parthasarathy, Advisor, Wisdomleaf Technologies

Healthcare services management solu- tions industry has long become populous with a huge number of technology com- panies present. Where is Genamet posi- tioned in this populous industry?

Genamet provides doctors with a powerful digital presence, helps patients find and reach doctors, digitizes the patient-doctor interaction, supports doctors with actionable analysis and allows patients to access their medical records securely. Our platform facilitates 24/7 appointment booking and scheduling while ensuring that there is no crowding at the clinic. The customizable charting tool incorporated uses machine learning to streamline the doctor-patient interaction to maximize doctor-patient facetime while minimizing typing and recording clinical notes. The powerful patient portal enables patients to digitally access all their prescriptions, invoices and investigation reports any time and from anywhere in a secure manner. The application, which is staff friendly has an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, integrates with powerful enterprise search platforms to search and analyze patient data and eventually improve patient care.

Do you have any SOP in place to understand the client’s sophisticated requirements and provide a problem-centric solution?

No two practices are similar. Our SOP begins with understanding the workflow of the doctor and the clinic based on which we customize the application. We have extremely powerful customization features. Everything from services offered by the doctor to clinic timings, several electronic medical recording parameters, and website (including search optimization & language in the website) are fully customizable. Genamet’s services provider and staff mobile apps effectively leverage the speech-to-text capability of the mobile for faster and convenient documentation. Sharing of prescriptions digitally is also very fast and easy.

Tell us about your platform and solu- tions. What is the kind of technology framework and skill we are looking at?

The idea of Genamet came from a doctor who felt that existing practice management applications were aggregator focused. Doctors had almost no say in customizing these for their practices. Expensive aggre gators were more focused on maximizing their fees from redirecting patient appointments. As a 20-year old company, we at Wisdomleaf Technologies Limited wanted to build a product for the Indian healthcare market. The features rich platform was developed in collaboration with doctors and there lies the strength of the application. A powerful and search engine friendly content management system is used to build the doctors website while the backend harnesses the latest cloud technologies to provide a robust, secure, scalable and reliable platform. We have integrated with the best-in-class enterprise search platforms and our analytics is built with modern data engineering tools. We use proprietary software on AWS cloud.

The idea of Genamet came from a doctor who felt that existing practice management applications were aggregator focused

Could you share with us a deployment story, incorporating the challenges faced by the healthcare provider, the solution Genamet developed and the difference it made for the client?

One of our clients treating Infectious Diseases has patients across the world. But since the staff timings were fixed, patients from different time zones could not reach the staff easily. To enable patients from around the world to reach the doctor, we not only implemented a Teleconsulting feature and integrated it with the payment gateway, but also provided SEO services. Using the Genamet Appointment Booking feature, patients across India and the world could easily book appointments with the doctor and make the payment using the payment gateway. We also included the ability to share prescriptions and investigations very easi ly using SMS and email. Patients are thus able to reach and consult with the doctors and their medical history is easily accessible to the doctors anywhere, anytime. Patient follow-up and communication has also become very convenient. The medical forms were customized for the infectious diseases specialization, based on the doctor’s needs, which supported the capture of key parameters that were critical in treating the patients. Above all, it gives us huge satisfaction when doctors come back and tell us that patients from far off and distant places found them online and have booked an appointment using Genamet.

Where is the company headed in the years to come? What’s Genamet’s future roadmap?

We think that the future is going to be very exciting in this space as all the stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem are already embracing the use of technology. At Genamet, we believe that the doctors will demand for advanced tools propelled by analytics and artificial intelligence to improve the quality of patient care. We will be investing in developing data science and advanced data analytics to help our doctor clients with actionable intelligence to do the best for their patients. We also think that medical devices and equipment will eventually need to be integrated with Practice Management Software. Doctors will be able to take a very comprehensive and holistic view of a patient’s health status, something which has gaps now. Our application should be able to plug these gaps. Another trend that we think is going to become increasingly popular are mobile apps that can help doctors practice anywhere, anytime. Mobile data is ubiquitous and therefore mobile apps that allow quick patient medical records retrieval. Telemedicine and teleconsulting, and integration of voice and text would dramatically increase the time the doctor spends with the patient rather than in documentation. The patient catchment is no longer just the immediate geographical proximity but a much larger area. Doctors need a digital presence as aggregators are interested more in maximizing their referral fees rather than in ensuring fair and equitable treatment of doctors. We are also focused on reducing the time the doctor takes in documentation and automating everything else. We have also invested heavily in integrating an Enterprise Search platform for the doctor to be able to search his/her database and use it to draw meaningful conclusions.

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