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26 Aug 2019 5 min

Improving Mental Health Awareness

Improving Mental Health Awareness

Improving Mental Health Awareness

Millions of Indians are impacted by mental health conditions yearly. Mental pain is not as dramatic as physical pain, but it is more common and also more difficult to bear. We don’t talk about it like other diseases, but over 300 million people globally are suffering from depression. Depression and bad mental health have not been given importance since ages. However, depression could also result in death if it gets worst.

According to a report by World Health Organization, India is the most depressed country in the world. Nearly 6.5% Indians suffer from some kind of serious mental disorder, with no visible rural-urban differences. Though effective measures and treatments are available, there is an acute shortage of mental health workers such as  psychiatrists, and doctors. The average suicide rate in India is 10.9 for every lakh people and most of the people who commit suicide are below 44 years of age.

Hence, mental health promotion and prevention are crucial to helping people succeed in life. Here are some tips to ensure your improve mental health awareness:

Improve Your Self Esteem

Do not indulge in self-criticism. Respect yourself and take time out for hobbies and other extra-curricular activities. It would be advisable to keep yourself active – a crossword puzzle, gardening, enrolling for dance/music classes, learning another language, etc.

Take Care Of Physical Health

Taking care of physical health could improve your mental health. Eat nutritious food, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and ensure you sleep well.

Connect with Family & Friends 

According to research, people with strong family or social bond are believed to be more healthy, in comparison to those who lack a support network. Ensure you communicate with your family members and friends regularly and seek activities where you could meet new people (A class or support group).


Serve as a volunteer for  a social cause. You would feel happy about doing something tangible to help someone in need

Deal With Stress

Stress is a part of life and every individual must learn to deal with it. Meditation, yoga, nature walk, outdoor activities, writing a poem, etc help in reducing stress. It is also important to smile and enjoy the humor in life. Laughter can improve your immune system, reduce pain, relax your body, and decrease stress. 

Have Realistic Goals

Once you have decided on want you want to achieve academically, professionally and personally, write down the steps you require to realize your goals. It is good to aim high, but one must be realistic and not over schedule. You would have a tremendous sense of accomplishment and self-realization as you progress towards your goal.

Seek Help

Seeking help is a sign of strength and not a weakness. People who receive effective care can recover from mental illness.

Share Your Experience In Life

Organize a mental health screening event. Share your experience in life. Your success could help others too. Educate people to practice non-judgmental communication.

Counselling In School

Regular counselling sessions and suicide prevention programs could help in addressing mental health issues at an early stage.


Write to the government and influence decision makers to pass effective laws with regard to mental health.

The consequences of not addressing mental health challenges could restrict opportunities to lead fulfilling lives. Genamet proactively supports mental health promotion and prevention. For more details, please visit our website

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